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Jagware PST to NSF Converter 3.0

Jagware PST to NSF Converter Jagware PST to NSF Converter 3.0

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Jagware PST to NSF Converter Publisher's Description

Are you planning to migrate from MS Outlook to Lotus Notes? if yes then we are here to help you successfully convert your Outlook PST files into Lotus Notes NSF file format. This will help you move all your data from MS Outlook into Lotus Notes account. Software ensure to move all items from MS Outlook including emails, contacts, calendars etc keeping the folder structure intact.

With PST to NSF converter you can convert any number of Outlook data files into NSF format. Software support all sizes of PST files of both UNICODE as well as ANSI type. You can create single NSF file for all type of PST files. You can import the converted NSF files within any version of Lotus Notes.

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